• Question: how do we see?

    Asked by nikki_xox to Sandra, Lewis, Hummy on 14 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Lewis Wright

      Lewis Wright answered on 14 Mar 2017:

      We see by light bouncing off things, and then into our eyes. This is also how we see colour, as the colour of things is given by the light that an object reflects – for example, we see a leaf as green because it absorbs all light EXCEPT green; this is reflected, and travels into our eyes.

      The biology of the eye I am less sure of – there are three types of ‘cone’ cell which let us see colour, one detecting red light, one green light, one blue. The combination of these gives us different colours.
      There is also ‘rod’ cells, which do not detect colour but help in low light settings.

      When the light enters your eye, it interacts with the detector cells at the back of your eye. This produces an electrical signal that is transmitted to your brain, which deciphers the message and allows you to understand what you are seeing.

    • Photo: Sandra Greive

      Sandra Greive answered on 17 Mar 2017:

      I’ve got nothing more to add to that awesome explanation.
