• Question: Is there gonna be a (HOVERBOARD) in the future?

    Asked by Ellis Mountjoy to Sandra, Lewis, James, Hummy on 12 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Lewis Wright

      Lewis Wright answered on 12 Mar 2017:

      It’s hard to say for sure, but at the rate that our technology and knowledge is improving, I think it’s a real possibility. Its hard to tell the difference between science-fiction and actual possibilities, as we don’t know where the limits of our technology are, or ‘how much’ there is to know. As a species we are still very young, so theres still lots of room for improvement!

    • Photo: Sandra Greive

      Sandra Greive answered on 16 Mar 2017:

      I thought soon, but then I found this on my Facebook feed. Franky Zapata and his jet propulsion hovercraft. Looks like a lot of fun.
