• Question: What caused the big bang?

    Asked by 849frah39 to Hummy, Lewis, James, Sandra on 6 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Sandra Greive

      Sandra Greive answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      I’m really sorry I don’t know. You’ll have to ask a physicist or an astronomer.

    • Photo: Lewis Wright

      Lewis Wright answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      This is a really big question in Physics, one of the biggest, and one that no one has a good answer for.
      Scientists can look into deep space and see light from the start of the universe that is only just reaching the Earth, and they can use the laws of physics to trace backwards in time. Unfortunately, the first fraction of the first fraction of a second after the Big Bang, our understanding of physics breaks down. Physics as we know it simply doesn’t work, the sums come out with crazy answers, and we can only guess.

      We may never know what caused it, but if someone does find out they will 100% get a Nobel Prize.
