• Question: Wouldn't environmental and genetic factors be the main cause of people ageing differently?

    Asked by It's Morgz on 9 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 9 Mar 2017:

      You’re right. But there’s a lot more than just that. There’s the way you exercise or not, what you eat or not, what kind of diseases you collect throughout your young age etc. The idea for me is to see exactly what is it that is fundamentally causing the ageing process. Genetics and environment can be controlled to a certain extent not completely. So if I found something that you are doing at the moment at the age of (guessing here) 18, which if you stopped doing, you might have chances to live longer? You might consider it right? That’s the gist of what I am doing at a very much smaller scale at the moment.
